Soon after I got it (over six years ago), I gave my guitar a name – Layla – for two reasons. One is that I really like the name Layla, which I’m pretty sure is because I really liked this girl named Layla when I was – I don’t know, maybe four or five years old. The second reason is that the song “Layla” by Eric Clapton (in particular the acoustic version) used to be one of my favorite songs (I still really like it).
My guitar has been with me in a variety of different situations. I’ve played my it on stage in shows, open mic nights, brought it to youth gatherings, camping, overseas, protests, semi-road trips, jamming with friends, and some other situations I can’t remember right now. I can’t predict the future, but something tells me that I’ll likely have my guitar with me in at least some of my future travels.