Category Archives: Reading Responses

You are required to post at least SEVEN responses before the end of term. Each response must be approximately 300 words in length, and should reflect an informed and thoughtful reading of the assignment. Each response must be posted before noon (12pm) on day the relevant reading assignment is due.

Neighborhoods and Their Implications

I found the information in the Kasinitz et al article to quite interesting because it talks about the challenges of becoming incorporated into American society along with its effects on the next generation. In the reading, it talks about segmented … Continue reading

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Every Story Is Different

Personally, the reading by Kasinitz, et al had a stronger impression on me than the second reading.  As I read the information presented in the paper, I began to think of my immigrant friends and tried to figure out where … Continue reading

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A True Eye Opener

Similar to what Aislinn said at the end of her response, the content in these articles were really revealing of what now seems to be an obvious part of the New York City demographic. For instance, my town neighbors Ozone … Continue reading

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Mobility- It Is Not That Easy

In this week’s readings, Becoming American/ Becoming New Yorkers describes an interesting phenomenon.  The article says that the experience and incorporation into the American system has a drastic effect on the immigrants themselves, and their children.  Gans, in 1992, wrote … Continue reading

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Transmigrants and the Future

After reading the three articles by Schiller, Basch, and Waldinger I find my mind reeling at the complexities involved with studying the boundless identities of what are called transmigrants. Anecdotes as well as surveys must be used to help identity … Continue reading

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A family Divided

Upon reading Schiller’s piece about Transnational Migration (in combination with the Basch), I realized just how loyal people are to their home countries. I always knew that people would come here and send money back to their home countries, but … Continue reading

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The Anatomy of a Majority-Minority

I’m choosing this week to discuss a seemingly minor (no pun intended) point that came up in this week’s third article reading, by Waldinger. He mentions the presence of a majority-minority in the city of Los Angeles, a term which … Continue reading

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The Rise of David

The Rise of David Levinsky is a tale of an immigrant from Russia who takes a chance, and abandons a Talmud-centered life for the change to strike it in the “land of opportunity”. In Russia, he had little but his … Continue reading

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David Levinsky literally rises above all the disadvantages that he has been dealt by life.  Although his father passes away while he is a still a young child his mother is still able to provide for him.  Although it is … Continue reading

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Lessons from David Levinsky

The Rise of David Levinsky proves that it is possible to go from rags to riches in America. However, it is clear that not every immigrant makes it. Levinsky happens to be one of the lucky immigrants who literally went … Continue reading

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