Category Archives: Reading Responses

You are required to post at least SEVEN responses before the end of term. Each response must be approximately 300 words in length, and should reflect an informed and thoughtful reading of the assignment. Each response must be posted before noon (12pm) on day the relevant reading assignment is due.

Insight into the Immigrant Mindset

For me, the most difficult aspect of reading this work was really trying to identify with the mindset of the immigrant cast of characters portrayed in the book. Although David gives a first-person account of his own life, I imagine … Continue reading

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Cahan’s Message about the True American Dream

Abraham Cahan writing The Rise of David Levinsky in 1917 was no coincidence. As an Orthodox Jewish American immigrant, Cahan himself assimilated into American life after his arrival to New York in 1882. Although the story of David Levinsky was … Continue reading

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An American Tale (Tail?)

Have you seen the movie An American Tail before? You know, the one with the mice who come to America from Eastern Europe? You know, the Mousekowitz family? While I wouldn’t stoop to the level of comparing David Levinsky to … Continue reading

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The Rise of David Levinsky

Although David Levinsky rises from rags to riches, this does not necessarily mean that he becomes successful as a person.  That just describes the monetary aspect of his life.  His familial and social life begins to go downhill in Russia … Continue reading

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The American Dream but at what Cost?

The Rise of David Levinsky is an inspirational story about a man who goes from rags to riches through the American dream, but also reveals the costs at which one obtains such financial success. Is the journey to riches worth … Continue reading

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No Time to Think

David Levintsky is undoubtedly a smart individual. This is evident, assuming he’s a reliable narrator, in his own descriptions of his Talmudic capabilities, his ability to learn “secular” topics rather quickly, and in his successful business ventures. Not only does he … Continue reading

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Stick with Your First Instinct- Levinsky Didn’t

David Levinksy originally wants to educate himself in America, as per Matilda’s request. In short, he enjoys his studies, but needs money; his need becomes desire, leading to his formation of a quite successful cloak-making business; the results leave him … Continue reading

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Lonely little David, nobody to love ;(

David Levinsky’s struggle to assimilate himself into the culture of a society holistically different from his Russian roots in Abraham Cahan’s, The Rise of David Levinsky, tells us emphatically that the maxim, “Money can’t buy you happiness” is true. David … Continue reading

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“America is not Russia”

Abraham Cahan’s novel, The Rise of David Levinsky, portrays the rags to riches story of a poor Russian Jew who comes to America in search for a better life. The story starts in a little Russian town of Antomir where … Continue reading

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In The Rise of David Levinsky, David undergoes a change from being a devout Talmud student to a rich Americanized businessman. In his transition, David relinquishes his Judaist morals and succumbs to a different lifestyle in “Godless America.” One of … Continue reading

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