Category Archives: Reading Responses

You are required to post at least SEVEN responses before the end of term. Each response must be approximately 300 words in length, and should reflect an informed and thoughtful reading of the assignment. Each response must be posted before noon (12pm) on day the relevant reading assignment is due.

The Rise (or Fall) of David Levinsky

Each time that I have sat down and read, this novel has left me feeling depressed.   (Is that not what constitutes a “good” book?)  From the beginning of the novel, the author accurately conveys and expands upon the intrinsic … Continue reading

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Money is Fool’s Company

In Abraham Cahan’s novel, The Rise of David Levinsky, it may seem as a clear and evident truth that the main character, David Levinsky, has it all. He has more money than he could ever use, a venerable reputation, and … Continue reading

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The Process of Becoming an American

In the process of becoming an American, many people often find themselves unable to fully assimilate into the culture of the vast new nation. Sometimes people are limited by their desire to hold on to their customs brought over from … Continue reading

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Becoming American is harder than it seems

Many immigrants who come to America for a better life attempt to assimilate into culture, but often find that the culture from which they have come from is barring this assimilation.  This was especially true regarding the assimilation of the … Continue reading

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David Levinsky

What I found most interesting about the novel was the juxtaposition of the title and the actual events in the novel. Upon reaching the end of the book, one can not help but realize that the title is quite ironic. … Continue reading

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