Category Archives: Reading Responses

You are required to post at least SEVEN responses before the end of term. Each response must be approximately 300 words in length, and should reflect an informed and thoughtful reading of the assignment. Each response must be posted before noon (12pm) on day the relevant reading assignment is due.

Jackson Heights Assignment

  Population – 2010 Census % Total population 108970 100 Race (One race only) – 2010 Census % White population alone 48508 44.5 Black or African American population alone 3568 3.3 American Indian and Alaska Native population alone 866 0.8 … Continue reading

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Muslim World Day Parade

I had never heard of a “Muslim World Day Parade” in New York City before reading this article.  It never occurred to me that since we have a parade for practically every other culture, perhaps we have one for Muslims … Continue reading

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Ethnic Composition of Jackson Heights and Summary of Jackson Heights Articles

    Race (One race only) – 2010 Census Sub-borough Area Jackson Heights % White population alone 69629 38.0 Black or African American population alone 13743 7.5 American Indian and Alaska Native population alone 2156 1.2 Asian population alone 28668 … Continue reading

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Jackson Heights Articles and Composition

Hispanic Population – 2010 Census Community District QU3 – Jackson Heights % Hispanic or Latino persons 108643 63.8 Not Hispanic or Latino persons 61582 36.2   Hispanic Origin by Race – 2010 Census Community District QU3 – Jackson Heights % … Continue reading

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Eportfolio Expo!

We’re very excited to announce the second annual Macaulay Eportfolio Expo! This year’s expo will take place on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 from 6-8 p.m. at the Macaulay Building. Last year’s event was a great opportunity for students to show … Continue reading

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Infoshare Profile of Jackson Heights, NY

Race (One race only) – 2010 Census NYC Neighborhood Jackson Heights % White population alone 48508 44.5 Black or African American population alone 3568 3.3 American Indian and Alaska Native population alone 866 0.8 Asian population alone 24785 22.7 Native … Continue reading

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Jackson Heights Articles

  Article: “Ethnic Food? It’s a tour thing” by Clare Trapasso. Source:New York Daily News Summary: This article discusses the different types of food-eateries that have cropped up throughout Jackson Heights and how the differences in foods relates to the … Continue reading

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Storefront or Your New Mosque?

This week’s article by Susan Slyomovics, delves into the the Muslim world emerging on New York City soil. With the birth of the Muslim World Day Parade, Islamic followers living in New York City have a chance to express their … Continue reading

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Jackson Heights Assignment

1) 1990-2000: GOLDMAN, ARI. “For Immigrants, a Four-Language Church.” The New York Times. The New York Times. Web. 04 Apr. 2012. <>. Although this article was published in 1989, I figured it was close enough to 190 to use for this … Continue reading

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A Conglomerate of Cultures

If you can’t go to India, India will bring itself to you–in the form of Jackson Heights.  Being as diverse as it is, the neighborhood of Jackson Heights allows you to experience authentic cuisine without leaving New York City.  For … Continue reading

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