Category Archives: Reading Responses

You are required to post at least SEVEN responses before the end of term. Each response must be approximately 300 words in length, and should reflect an informed and thoughtful reading of the assignment. Each response must be posted before noon (12pm) on day the relevant reading assignment is due.

Not a matter of Black and White

The piece I found the most striking was the Rogers piece on Raced-based coalitions. I feel as if in so many cases we all think that it comes down to two races, black and white. However, this piece exemplifies that … Continue reading

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Race and Ethnicity- Never Substitute One for the Other

Though all the articles focus on the range of cultural diversity and the divides that generally come along with such a presence, Chapter 5 of Foner seems to nicely tie the issues of diversity and prejudice together.  According to the … Continue reading

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Better System

The first thing that popped into my head while reading Peter Kwong’s article about illegal immigration was Stephen Colbert’s testimony before Congress during a hearing called “Protecting America’s Harvest.” Colbert was one in a group of 14 who took up … Continue reading

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The difference between ethnicity and race

The article by Crowder discussed the distribution of West Indian Blacks in New York. It clearly shows the difference between ethnicity and race. While African Americans and West Indian Blacks may be of the same race, their ethnicities are completely … Continue reading

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In a world full of color, nothing is ever black and white

As unfortunate as it is, people are always being categorized and stereotyped based off of their skin color and race. When it comes to interaction (social, economic, political) between different races, especially of those with different skin tones, little consideration … Continue reading

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It’s not always Black and White

Throughout this week’s articles, a prevailing theme appears to be the relationship between African-American and Afro-Carribbean minorities living within New York City. One of the main questions that arises is, “why do Afro-Carribbean immigrants choose to distinct themselves from the … Continue reading

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Same Boat, but Which Direction?

I found this week’s articles particularly interesting because of how they tie in to our general class discussions. Having already spoken about the reality of certain states becoming “majority-minority” as a class, and touching upon the possibility of America [as a … Continue reading

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Multiracial Cities and Their Effect on Tolerance

I felt that this week’s readings fit perfectly after our trip to Jackson Heights last week. I think the greatest thing I learned from the trip was that Jackson Heights is a lot more racially mixed than I thought it … Continue reading

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Asian American Success Story

Asian Americans can be seen as the paradigm of immigrants coming to the United States. Originally, the Asians were looked down upon as “yellow peril,” and were avoided, ostracized and shunned.  They were the subjects of exclusion and discrimination on … Continue reading

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Birds of a Feather…

After reading these articles, I was slightly surprised that the African Americans and the West Indian Blacks did not integrate when they immigrated. However, after a while I realized that the culture difference between the two groups is vast and … Continue reading

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