Welcome Back!!

The urban space depicted in Welcome Back Kotter is, in my opinion, the most positive view of New York City we have seen in any film this semester.  The Brooklyn classroom where the majority of the two episodes we watched is a place of great diversity that seems relatively representative of the diversity of New York City as a whole.  It contains many different ethnic groups and each individual seems to really embody their sense of ethnic identity.  There is the typical Italian stereotype embodied in Vinny Barbarino, the black basketball star in “boom-boom” Washington, and the Puerto Rican Jew in Epstein, among others.  Despite the differences in each character’s culture and traditions, they all seem to get along.  There is a perfect mix with little to no racial discrimination among its participants, perhaps because they identify most closely not with their ethnicity, but rather with the culture associated with being a sweathog.

The urban space itself is welcoming and inviting.  It seems kind of safe because everyone gets along and there is little conflict.  I would definitely want to be a part of this urban space.  Even the space that we are shown outside of the classroom seems inviting.  We are told that the area that Kotter is residing and teaching in is not the best of neighborhoods and is almost a “ghetto.”  Despite this, the relationship that his students have with him and each other is a good one.  There is definitely a feeling of acceptance and understanding in all parties depicted in these episodes.

As I was watching these two episodes, I could not figure out what Kotter’s ethnicity was. (I later asked my parents and they told me he was Jewish, I don’t know for sure if this is true or not, but whatever, that’s besides the point.) I wonder if it was just me, or if this was done on purpose.  Is he supposed to just embody whiteness? Or is he a mix of all the cultures that can be found in his classroom? He plays basketball like Washington, is white like Barbarino, and is Jewish like Epstein.  Is he simply the successful embodiment of a bunch of different things? Just as they can all exist in each other in Room 118, maybe they can all live inside of a single person as well.

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