Monthly Archives: March 2012

Flip this House

What I find interesting is that I didn’t see a drastic change in either neighborhood throughout the movie. However, what I did see is Elgar’s determination to make change during the movie. It’s not the stereotypical change that you usually … Continue reading

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Oh to be Nappy Headed in America…

The Landlord, a film about a wealthy white man moving into a poverty-stricken black neighborhood, is a quirky and engaging one. The dialogue throughout the film is terrific, and I felt myself sympathizing with pretty much every character, except Elgar … Continue reading

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A Failed Plan

The Landlord does show a hint of gentrification if not much. At 5:09, the lady mentions the “trending urban renewal”. After a few seconds later,  Mr.Farcus, a white man who moved into this neighborhood before Elgar, enters the scene. At … Continue reading

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‘All Hail the Landlord’

Hello, my fellow classmates! Hope all is well. Today I would like to discuss the movie The Landlord (1970) directed and produced by Hal Ashby and Norman Jewison, respectively and the concept of gentrification. First, I would like to talk … Continue reading

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