Radio Days

I feel that in both movies Radio Days and Goodfellas, the family relationship is filled with quarrels and disagreements, but they still stick with each other. I find it interesting, and it is very realistic because this is how a family looks like in real life (like my parents). I also find it interesting that when Joe’s mother (Julie Kavner) says to the father that celebrity get divorce all time but we are together forever (even though they have disagreements all the time). Similarly, in the movie Goodfellas, Henry(Ray Liotta) and Karen (Lorraine Bracco) have quarrels so often and Karen even points a gun right on Henry’s head. However, they still live with each other no matter what happen.

The atmosphere in this film is apparently warmer than the one in Goodfellas. There is no murder in this film except slight domestic violence. Joe is smacked by his parents after they know Joe steals the money from the fund for a Jewish homeland in Palestine; he is also hit by his father after he ruins his mother’s coat. What’s more, we see normal lives in this film, opposite to the risky ones in Goodfellas. The family members are getting along well with each other besides some squabbles sometimes. Joe and his parents often go out and have fun together. For instance, they go to zoo together.

The radio is a tool through which the family connects to the rest of the world. They also get entertainment from the radio. The mother considers the radio as a distraction to Joe, but it is OK for her. Joe’s addiction to the Masked Avenger is understandable. Children always identify themselves with hero, prince, or princess. They tend to be attracted by the fantasy in the radio or other media. Other family members also have their own favorite program. Uncle Abe likes sports channel and his wife likes ventriloquist. Joe’s parents like to hear other normal people’s family issues. Through the radio, they connect themselves to the American culture in different dimension. The radio programs obviously are much more interesting than the traditional religious rituals. They are gradually being influenced by the American culture via the radio. Radio itself is also a represent the American culture. Listening to the radio becomes one of this Jewish family’s habits. The power of radio also disturbs their custom. This is indicated by the scene when this family is having “Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day in Judaism, when Jews fast for their sins”, their praying is interrupted by the loud radio of their neighbor (Friedman and Desser 81).  The radio becomes a facilitator that catalyzes this family’s assimilation to American culture.

Other than entertainments, the radio also allows this family to gossip about the celebrities and feel pity for the sad news. For example, they huddle together after they hear sorrow news from the radio about a little girl falling into the well near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania and unfortunately die.

Overall, a new invention will bring one thing while taking away the other. White getting more Americanized, they also lose some of their Jewish tradition.

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