Mr. Samsa vs. Mr. Wormwood

These two fictional characters represent a lot of “bad dads”– let’s take a look at what characteristics make them a horrible father.

1. Being Verbally Abusive:

Matilda: Mr. Wormwood shares his life philosophy with Matilda


2. Being Neglective and Unsupportive of their Child’s Interests:

Matilda: Her dad doesn’t want her to read and go to school

The Metamorphosis: Mr. Samsa, and the rest of Gregor’s family, let Gregor take on the usually-parental responsibility of providing financial support to pay off the family’s debt. Gregor works a job he doesn’t even like, without complaints, really, even when his fmaily members are completely capable of working. When he is late for work, they first ask him why he hasn’t left yet (based on their dependency on Gregor), instead of asking if he is feeling ill or hurt.


3. Uses Physical Actions to Show Disgust:

Matilda: (script from the film)

HW: Dinner time is family time. What is this trash you’re reading?
M: It’s not trash, Daddy, it’s lovely. it’s called “Moby Dick”, by Herman Melville.
HR: Moby *what*? [snatching the book from matilda and tears the pages out of the cover]…This is filth! Trash…!
M: It’s not mine! it’s a library book!
HW: I’m fed up with all this reading! You’re a Wormwood, you start acting like one! Now sit up and look at the TV.

The Metamorphosis: “[Mr. Samsa] had filled his pockets form the fruit bowl on the sideboard, and was hurling one apple after another, barely pausing to take aim. These little red apples rolled around on the floor as through electrified…One thrown a moment later, however, secured to pierce it. Gregor tried to drag himself away, as though the bewildering and scarcely credible pain might pass if he changed position; but he felt as though nailed to the spot…” (Norton World Literature, Volume F, 230-231)

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