Virginia Woolf as Rory Gilmore

If Virginia Woolf was associated with any TV character, it would be Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls.

Rory Gilmore is a very intelligent, well-mannered, beautiful girl who was valedictorian of her high school and later went on to study journalism at Yale. She was able to attend the highly prestigious and competitive private institution, Chilton, through the money of her rich grandparents. Her access to money brought her easy access to knowledge, and she grew up spending almost all of her time reading and reading, and writing and writing. Throughout the seasons of the show, she would often be seen carrying a book with her almost everywhere (many times, feminist prose), studying in her own room/study with luxury furniture provided by her grandparents, and even having enough free time to fall in love a few times and win some intellectual awards.

grandparents grad

Simply because of her access to money and a room of her own, Rory is seen as the perfect everything– perfect daughter, granddaughter, student, girlfriend, neighbor, friend, scholar, etc. She has the time and money to do whatever she desires– from exploring her surroundings and gaining inspiration, to exercising her writing and communication skills, to having intellectual conversations on famous writers and poets. This supports Woolf’s indication that with these two things, women can experience great freedom in their lives.


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