Outside Links

Here is an aggregated list of all the outside links I’ve referred to in my blog posts (plus some new links)–grouped by authors/literary works discussed, & ordered by appearance:

Matilda: Car Shop Scene (YouTube)
Matilda: Script Excerpts (IMDB)
Matilda: Matilda’s Parents (YouTube)
Matilda: I’m Smart, You’re Dumb Scene (YouTube)

Gilmore Girls: Show Info (IMDB)
Rory Gilmore’s Reading List
Virginia Woolf: A Biography (The Literature Network)

Juan Cortazar: The Art of Fiction (The Paris Review)
House Taken Over (Socks Studio)

Paul Walker: Truly Humble (Huffington Post)
Nelson Mandela: 15 Quotes
Authors Accept Censors’ Rules to Sell in China (NYT)