The twisted and dark story of Franz Kafka’s novel brought to life by the Royal Ballet at the Joyce Theatre shows the metamorphosis of Gregor, portrayed by principal dancer Edward Weston, from a run of the mill 1900’s salesman to … Continue reading
Daily Archives: September 25, 2013
Metamorphosis – a tale of a man who loses his humanity whilst consuming that of his family members.
Appropriately unenjoyable (who knew a ballet could be so gross?) but still appreciated for its emotion and deeper understanding of the story.
Last night, Edward Weston became a cockroach in an eerie ballet interpretation performance of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis at the Joyce Theater. The stage design by Simon Daw created a space for the audience to engage with all characters: Gregor to … Continue reading
Last night The Royal Ballet performed a dance adaptation of The Metamorphosis at the Joyce Theater in NYC. This adaptation was derived from the view of director, Arthur Pita, and conveyed through the body of principal dancer, Edward Watson. Unfortunately, … Continue reading
The Metamorphosis, playing at the Joyce Theatre, was an innovating and riveting interpretation of the famous story written by Franz Kafka. In the performance, boring and lifeless Gregor Samsa, portrayed … Continue reading
Pita’s reinterpretation of Kafka’s Metamorphosis sheds a lights on Gregor’s physical versatility and ironically – humanity.
Stunning background music, dramatic contrast between black and white, exceptionally creative combination of emotion and gestures. Mr. Pitas made my first experience in a theater remarkable. #Metamorphosis #ballet #emotion
It was like I was looking at a series of pictures while watching Arthur Pita’s “The Metamorphosis”; every movement was a beautiful art in and of itself. #amazing
Gregor’s overwhelming change at Joyce Theatre, stiff bland lad to writhing vermin dancer. Black sludge and drama ensues. #exciting#abstract#ballet