Making a slideshow using the Slideshow plug-in

This tutorial is on posting a gallery of images using the jQuery Slideshow plugin.


From your Dashboard view, select the “Slideshows” link from the left-hand toolbar. Click on “Add new”.

Select "add new" from Slideshows menu

Select “add new” from Slideshows menu

Choose a unique name for your slideshow in the “Title” field. For now you can keep the defaults for the slideshow. We are going to create an image slideshow. To add the first image, look to the right-hand side and choose “image slide” from the “Slides List”.

Add a unique title for the gallery and select first image for the slideshow

Add a unique title for the gallery and select first image for the slideshow

Choose the first image from the image library if you have already uploaded it. Otherwise in the upper right-hand corner, choose “Upload media”. Once you have selected your first image, add a title and caption. When finished, choose select at the bottom right.

Select first slideshow image, add title and caption, choose select

Select first slideshow image, add title and caption, choose select

Repeat previous steps of adding images from the “image slide” button from the “Slides List” for each image you wish to include in the slideshow.

repeat selection process for each image you wish to include in the slideshow.

repeat selection process for each image you wish to include in the slideshow.

When finished adding all the images that you want to include in your slideshow you will be presented with the starting screen with all your images on the right-hand side. You can use the little slider arrows to rearrange the order of the images.

Images for the slideshow are on the right. Use the arrows to rearrange order of appearance.

Images for the slideshow are on the right. Use the arrows to rearrange order of appearance.

When you have arranged your slideshow to your satisfaction, choose publish in the upper right.

Publish your slideshow. Remember the name you chose.

Publish your slideshow. Remember the name you chose.

Start a new post as usual. Add text. When you are ready to add the slideshow, choose it from the “Insert Slideshow” button at the top next to the “Add Media” button.

Insert your slideshow in post

Insert your slideshow in post

You will be presented with a drop down menu of all the published slideshows. Chose yours.

That’s it!

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