Our research revolves around the increasing use of technology in today’s world and the national effort to become more active and improve one’s health. Parks have been shown to improve physical health, but we were interested in the effect on technology use in the presence of green space. Specifically, we were interested to see whether or not varying amounts of green space would link to a decrease or increase in the use of electronics. Our hypothesis was that a greater amount of green space would correlate with less electronic use compared to those using electronics. This research is significant because if there is a correlation between the use of electronics and lack of green spaces, it could cause a gap in social and ecological awareness caused by an obsessive use of technology. We expected the problem to be more prevalent amongst younger people because technology is more fluidly integrated into their lives. Technology can make people ignorant to what is around them, causing people to live through bright screens rather than in reality. This causes a severe disconnection between people and the environment.



Karen Chachlani, Leanne Gonzalez, Andriy Kobryn, John Varriano

Kimberly Meehan, Marissa Bellino

Hunter College

Green Space, Technology

The Presence of Green Space and Its Effect on Technology Use | 2015 | 2015 Posters | Tags: , | Comments (0)

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