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Poster Printing

Stumbled on this site? The Seminar 3 Common Event is now the STEAM Festival. Please visit our new site.

How do we get the posters printed?
Posters may be printed centrally at Macaulay free of charge. Just let us know when you’re coming. Fill out the seminar printing form below, and select only one time slot.
If you need to change your appointment time please email

Your group should review your final draft of the poster with your professor before coming to Macaulay to print it.  Macaulay does not provide proofreading or editing–that is your responsibility.  We can only reprint posters for truly unusual mistakes.

One student from each group – not your ITF, not your instructor – must bring a copy of the Powerpoint file on a flash drive and must be present during the printing process.

The poster printer handles a roll of paper that is 36 inches wide.  You can work with your ITF to decide the best dimensions and orientation for your poster design, but the maximum size of one of the dimensions will be 36 inches. Students should avoid designing their posters with large areas of dark color, such as a black background.

What happens to the poster after we print it?
You will need to take the poster away with you and bring it back for your presentation. We cannot store posters at Macaulay. We can provide a rubber band, and usually a plastic bag if it is raining, but many students prefer to have a strong mailing tube to protect their posters on the subway. We can not provide those tubes, but the post office on Columbus Avenue and 68th Street does sell them. Be sure to get one big enough for your poster!

Can we print the posters somewhere else and be reimbursed for the cost by Macaulay?
No. If you want to print commercially, you will be responsible for the cost. There may be options for printing on your campus. Unfortunately, we can’t really advise you about those or set that up for you, and we don’t know if there will be a cost for that.


Stumbled on this site? The Seminar 3 Common Event is now the STEAM Festival. Please visit our new site.

Each group will be presenting a poster. Professors and ITFs will assist students in creating effective posters. Questions about poster content and design should be directed to your class ITF or professor.

Students in each group will take turns standing next to your group’s poster explaining your research and findings and looking at and evaluating other groups’ posters. Students should be prepared to give a brief (two minute) explanation of your poster and to answer any audience questions. There should be one student from each group should be by your poster through the whole session. Students should be prepared to be an active audience, listening, asking questions and discussing other groups’ posters.

Questions? Please email Kevin Ambrose

Common Event FAQs: Read These Carefully!

Stumbled on this site? The Seminar 3 Common Event is now the STEAM Festival. Please visit our new site.

What is this event about?
The Seminar 3 Common Event emulates a professional scientific poster session. It gives you a chance to show off the work you have done in your Seminar 3 class to an audience of your Macaulay peers, faculty, and ITFs. It is also an important opportunity to hear about the work that has gone on in other Macaulay seminars, and to see how art and science interact as part of the Macaulay STEAM Festival.

When is it?
We have three different sessions: two on Saturday, December 3rd, and two on Sunday, December 4th. Each group will sign up for one slot.  You will not necessarily be attending the same session as all of the groups in your class.

What happens when we are there?
Each session will feature thirty to forty group posters. Your group members should take turns standing by your poster explaining your data and findings to others and spending time looking at other groups’  posters.  You’ll also be rating other students’ posters and participating in some integrative activities with the Seminar One Snapshot Photos as part of the Macaulay STEAM Festival.

Am I expected to attend all three sessions?
No, every group will choose one slot during one of the times listed above.  Every group will present to other students, faculty, and staff. Slots will go fast, so sign up now!

How do I sign up for a time slot?
Just click the “Sign Up” link at the top of this page. Remember: one sign up per group.

Should I choose a time slot individually?
No, your group must determine a time when all (or most) of you can come together. One person from your group should submit the registration.

What if all the slots in our preferred time are already taken when we go to sign up?
We know December is a busy time for students, but you will need to choose another time to come. Sign up as soon as you can, so you have more choices!

What if we can’t all come together?
Choose the time when most of you can come, including the contact person.  Anyone unable to present with his/her group must come on another day to fulfill his/her Common Events responsibility.

Why can’t everyone in my class just come together to do our presentations?
A Common Event is when Macaulay students come together not only from different sections of the Seminar but also from across the campuses.  Everyone gets to see and hear what other students are doing in their Seminars and learn from one another.

Where do these presentations take place?
At Macaulay Honors College, 35 West 67 Street.

Will food be served?
No, we will not provide food. Bring a snack or eat before you come!

How can I get my poster printed?
See our page on Poster Printing.

What if I have further questions? Check with Kevin Ambrose, Instructional Technology Fellow:

Sign Up

Stumbled on this site? The Seminar 3 Common Event is now the STEAM Festival. Please visit our new site.