Author Archives: gdonovan

Poster Presentation & Class Follow-Up

Hello everyone - attached is the PowerPoint from today in pdf. It is about 4mb so if you have a slow connection it may take a few minutes.
Just to summarize a few of the things we discussed today in class:

Email me your posters a few days prior to the printing deadline so I can make […]

scientific posters

I’ll be in class on Monday (11/05) to do an overview of conceptualizing and creating a scientific poster. In order maximize our time together, I thought it would be a good idea to create this post (as well as an accompanying blog page) to provide you with a general overview of conceptualizing and organizing a […]

Welcome to the class blog

To setup your user account click on the “register” link at the top of the right hand column. You will then be asked to enter a username and email. Its best if you make your username your first initial and last name (i.e. “gdonovan”). Once you’ve entered this information, click the “Register >>” button.
A password […]

FAQ :: Log in to the blog

Click on the title of this post (”FAQ :: Log in to the blog”), or on the “Readmore” link below, to see the full post with directions and images.