sarasanders's blog
Submitted by sarasanders on Thu, 10/01/2009 - 21:06Both the John Wood exhibition and the Avedon exhibition have ended at the ICP. Patty and I went today with no luck! Read this before you venture out.
A Different Perspective on Hurricane Katrina
Submitted by sarasanders on Sun, 09/27/2009 - 20:37I will be the first to admit that Hurricane Katrina never peaked much interest in me. Whether I didn’t understand what had actually happened, or whether I sought ignorance I cannot say. Last night, however, Thomas Neff, introduced me to this devastating disaster. Neff opened his presentation by defining his role as a photographer. He described himself as a photographic documentologist capturing history in the making.
Exploring the Eidos of Photography
Submitted by sarasanders on Sun, 09/27/2009 - 20:14A couple of years ago, there was a fire in my apartment building. One neighbor’s failure to properly put out his cigarette burned down three adjacent apartments, one of which was my friends. In recalling the story of how his father had discovered his apartment was on fire, my friend related that there had only been enough time to grab some photographs. Of all the jewelry, clothing and decorations, why were his photographs more important? This brings me back to the discussion of the eidos of photography, which Barthes describes as death.
An Introduction to Dance
Submitted by sarasanders on Sat, 09/26/2009 - 00:54I have seen the famous Christopher Wheeldon. Not long ago, I remember having read about a choreographer who collaborated with Narcisso Rodriguez on a piece for the New York City Ballet. Now I have heard him speak! Tonight, I ventured to City Center to participate in the Symposium on the Ballet Russes. Although I did not actually ask any questions, I listened to a panel of four renowned choreographers and musicologists. The experience was unique to say the least.