
Fashion as an Art Form


     Art, to me, is a way that one expresses his views, his ideas, and his personality. Art can be displayed through paintings, poetry, music, etc. One form of art is fashion. The way one dresses can represent different aspects of his personality. People often try to express themselves through the clothing and accessories that they wear. Designers are artists who piece together garments using fabric and creativity; your body is a canvass to express yourself using different colors and styles of clothing.

arts in ny



my first blog entry?

blog is a weird word.

First Blog Entry: Ballin'

The first time in class there is mass use of our Macbooks. A couple people got caught momentarily checking email or facebook which was a little entertaining. Well, here's the first blog on another site we have to check daily. Ay caramba!

My First Blog Entry

This is my first blog.


Alex Greetham

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