
An Introduction to Dance

         I have seen the famous Christopher Wheeldon. Not long ago, I remember having read about a choreographer who collaborated with Narcisso Rodriguez on a piece for the New York City Ballet. Now I have heard him speak! Tonight, I ventured to City Center to participate in the Symposium on the Ballet Russes. Although I did not actually ask any questions, I listened to a panel of four renowned choreographers and musicologists. The experience was unique to say the least.

Public Speaking: Artistic Expression?



meet the artist common event



Musuem of Natural History

I went to the museum of Natural History today. This is one of my favorite museums in New York City. History is one of my favorite subjects. I love global history and learning about other cultures. The museum of natural history is a place that allows me to learn about so mnay different places. I took a tour around the museum and got to see some cool exhibits. One of the exhibits that I thought was really interesting was the hall of the universe.

The Milkmaid Comes to America

I went to see an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of art on Vermeer, and one of his most famous paintings, The Milkmaid, which has not been in New York City since the World Fair of 1939. This time, the painting was brought to New York City to commemerate the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's voyage to what is now New York City. The painting, I also learned, is beloved by Americans and Dutch alike, which would explain the large crowds.

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