Alexander String Quartet
Baruch College has a recital hall. That was probably the most shocking news I heard all year. I thought maybe the concert was just be in a room where they just happened to set up music stands. I had no idea we had an actual hall. When I saw this hall, it actually gave me hope as a Weismenn major. Sometimes the school focuses so much on Zicklin, it seems they lose sight of everyone else. So, seeing this recital hall, I already went into this concert with a positive attitude. Each of the three sections composed of beautiful music. Unfortunately, the music was so delicate and sweet, that I found myself drifting off. However, this might not necessarily be a bad thing. I found the music to be relaxing, too beautiful to anaylze. I also enjoyed the pieces so much because they sounded very similar to movie soundtrack music. (if I had to make any abnormal confession, it would be my obsession for movie soundtrack music) Therefore in my head, I was off in another land while still listening to the music flow. It was also interesting to see how other's reacted to the music. There were older people that were in the recital completely gone into sleep. Yet when the piece was over, they wake up and begin clapping. At first I was thinking, why did they even come? But then I started to think, is this how they relate to the music? By sleeping? Others stared, some tapped their foot. No matter what people did, however, the quartet ended with a huge round of applause from the audience.
- Jerrica Williams's blog
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