Art in New York, Queens


(finally figured out how to upload the photo)

          While there may not be a concrete definition of what art is, I believe that art is one’s way of self-expression. What may be art to some not be art to others. The reason for this is because we all are attracted to different images and different sounds, although some may be universal. Therefore, some people can respond positively towards an artwork while others would question if it is even considered art. Since there are many different forms and styles of art, one would have to be educated in the matter to even argue whether it truly is art or not. However, I still believe that art is the creation one makes not from something he sees but from a vision that lies within. While this is an abstract thought, this could explain why not all images and sounds are easily relatable to many people, but nevertheless there are always some individuals who appreciate the work of the artist.

          I took a picture outside of a pub where there was a painting on the wall. This painting is easily considered art because of the beauty it possesses. Also, the artists who painted this put their emotions into created this work mainly because of the significance 9/11 had on all New Yorkers. I consider this to be “New York art” because there aren’t many places you would go expecting to see paintings against store buildings, pizzerias, and delis like you would in New York. Around my neighborhood these wall paintings are fairly common, similar to the idea of graffiti with perhaps a more positive outlook, being that most relate to patriotism.