Back to the MOMA : Demoiselles d'Avignon

The enormous painting of Demoiselles d'Avignon is I must say, quite odd. I still ponder why the first image that automatically came to mind when I saw the painting was cavemen. I think it may be the chalky browns, deep reds, and blues that make me think of a much older time period. The painting did not remind me of a happy time period either. I cannot say that it exactly portrays sadness, but I did not feel good inside when viewing this piece of art. The five figures in the painting, which seemingly represent people, are so distorted that they do not even appear real, especially the two on the far right of the painting. They both look like they are wearing masks. The bodies of the figures are drawn at very sharp angles, unlike that of a normal human being, and also disproportionate. I do not understand completely what this painting is attempting to symbolize. The blue in the background obviously represents a sky. However, the rest of the painting leaves me in question. I hope Dr. Bergman will explain more about this painting in class.