BAM:Quartett play

I'm not even sure what adjectives I should use to describe the the play on Tuesday. It was different and interesting to say the least, and it was hard not to pay attention. I loved how the play was completely in French, even though it was difficult to adjust to reading the subtitles and watching the actors. The way the characters spoke so smoothly and elegantly was mesmerizing, it made me want to learn the language and understand what they were saying as they were saying it. I felt like I would have grasped the emotions of the characters better if I was able to see them as they spoke. Besides this, I enjoyed watching the performance of the characters. During the play, I was confused of who was who and it took a while to understand what was going on. As I was reading the subtitles I found that most of the play was impossible to follow and was almost completely filled with sexual content. I enjoyed watching the character of Merteuil and was most captivated by her performance in the play. The whole play was strange and interesting, at times some of the characters were dancing and at other times they were acting as reptiles and sticking out their tongues and making reptile noises. It was quirky and different and hard not to watch. All the characters were dressed in bold colors and from where I was sitting, I could see a member of the production crew beaming colored lights onto the actor, (red on Valmont, who was dressed in red). The ending of the play was my favorite part, it was so solemn as she was walking towards the back of the stage and saying slowly "cancer mon amour". I overall enjoyed the performance and thought it was something different than I would normally watch. Quartett by Heiner Muller centers around everything opposite of innocence and it is performed brilliantly by all the actors especially during the conversations between Valmont and Merteuil when they mock and yell each other. I overall enjoyed the performance and think seeing it again would be really great.