beatles beatles...THE BEATLES



All day today I was humming The Beatles' songs and I couldn't help myself. It wasn't a big deal because I love thier songs but I wondered "Why The Beatles, why today?"

After school, I walked out of the subway into the Herald Square Subway station and I faintly heard a man singing "Hey Jude" along with a CD track in the station. I didn't go out of my way to find exactly where he was but I was so thankful to hear The Beatles being sung outside of my own head. As I was walking to where I needed to go, I forgot all about the subway singer but I kept humming my favorite song, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"... and I couldn't get it out of my head. Then, later,  I was in the 77th St station outside of my apartment on my way back to school to go to the library and another man was singing "Here Comes the Sun" along with his guitar. The Beatles were everywhere! 

Let me explain something so that this makes sense.  My friends and I are all connected through The Beatles song " Let it Be". For some reason, whenever I hear it somewhere or my friends here it, and we let each other know, it turns out that most of us have heard it that day or hear it later. Whenever we have had an amazing moment, like walking to see the Angel in Central Park, to see the sunrise on New Years morning, we played "Let it Be." Whenever, we have a reunion and someone is making a toast, "Let it Be" starts playing on shuffle. We burst into "Let it bee, Let it beee, Let it beeeee, Yea let it beee, Whisper words of wisdom, Let it beeeeee," when we are walking down the streets together. Even though "Let it be" is our theme, every song by The Beatles bears the same significance. The Beatles have been bystanders for most of the amazing moments in my life and so they are forever linked with feelings of happiness, belonging, and trust. Even when I hear Beatles songs and I am not with my friends, nevertheless I feel that I am not alone. My forever-friends are linked to me through these soulful songs and as long as I have the songs know I will be connected with my friends. 

That's why, today, when I was having a miserable time, and I unintentionally sang The Beatles all day, I felt that it was a sign. I didn't know what kind of sign, but I know that those men sitting in the subway, performing a rarely appreciated art brought me back to real life today.  I knew, that although everything is really crappy right now, it will be okay.


It must mean something if even the subway performers are singing The Beatles....