On a break in Union Square.

Patty's picture

Yes- finally, the long awaited break between my morning and afternoon classes.

Sitting on a bench in a New York park is almost as having a front seat on one of the fashion shows; a display of outfits, personalities and social classes. One second there is a beautiful, tall woman wearing high heel that passes in front of me, second later a beggar with half of a shoe. It makes we wonder what makes people so different. How come some of us become an international businessman, while other retains himself to garbage man?
It is in people’s nature to blame their unfortunate on the world around them. It is just so much easier to say that it was one’s parents’ fault for not providing him/her with a good education, or a happy childhood. But, I believe that all of us are born with a clear page and it is our job to feel it out to the best of our abilities.
When I was younger my mom used to tell me an anecdote about a little girl who looks at her life and sees all the badness: a life without a dad, or lack of the newest doll; and than a same girl looks at it from a different perspective and sees a great life with her loving mom, and private schools that she was sent since she was little.

Being optimistic isn’t always easy. It requires pushing oneself to the limits in order to achieve happiness. Once obtaining it, one has to learn hot to cherish it.

Looking up form my computer I can see a clock starring in my face. It reminds me of the time that passes. It makes me appreciate even more the fact that I, a simple girl, will be the fist one in my family to pursue college education. That I, coming from a single parent family, born and raised in Poland am able to attend one of the best schools in the country, without having to pay for the tuition. And than I ask myself, did I really have that much easier than half of the people that live of the governmental support?