Carnegie Hall
I would love to have more to say about the Carnegie Hall concert, but classical music, although ACJW wasn't exactly classical, is not something that I can relate to or talk much about. I played many musical instruments as a child so I understand musical phrasing and can identify famous classical pieces but every single time that I go to a concert like that I fall asleep. I just cannot relate to that kind of music. I could hear the Western influences and it was interesting for me to see how Chinese musicians melded their own cultural music with the classical theory but it wasn't something that I was glued to my seat and enthralled by hearing. The most interesting part of our "day at Carnegie Hall" was meeting with the Artistic Director at Carnegie, Jeremy Geffen. I was very interested to hear how he managed to procure his job, and what his educational background was. It turns out that there is nothing you can go to school for to become what he is, but he got small jobs at other performance venues and slowly worked his way up the chain of command to become Artistic Director at Carnegie Hall. He views hundreds of performances a year, some while choosing which to include in upcoming seasons and some right at Carnegie Hall. He travels around the world, visiting countries and tiny villages weeding out the acts that he wants to put on in New York. He has a lot of responsibility, and was chosen to steer the ship that is the infamous Carnegie Hall therefore I must assume that he is a visionary. He is the one who influences the direction of the arts as they are presented in one of the most important venues in the world.
One of the points that stuck out most vividly in my mind as we left the question and answer session was that the most interesting jobs are the ones that you can't learn in school and that sort of just fall into your lap. Professor Bergman said something later on that reiterated that perfectly and really hit home with me. It was something along the lines of "You hardly ever learn anything in school for a worthwhile career. "
Meanwhile, I am in school, and trying really hard to do well while hoping that a job as interesting as Jeremy Geffen's falls into my lap someday.
- Jolene's blog
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