Carnegie Hall Concert

The concert at Carnegie Hall we went to last Monday was my first concert of that kind. I've been to concerts before but obviously the experinece you get from a concert at Carnegie Hall is way different then the one you get at a Metallica concert. I really enjoyed the concert at Carnegie Hall. I really was unsure whether or not it would interest me. When I walked into the room where the concert was being held, I was suprised that it was so small. I actually really liked the fact that it was a small auditorium. That room was beautiful. The chandelier and the wood work really show how grand Carnegire Hall is. It was really cool that the composers were sitting so close to us. I think the fact that we were so close together amplified the experience. I was afraid to move during the performance because I didn't want to distract anyone from the music. I think all of the musicians were highly talented. The piano player, Gregory DeTurck was the Jimmy Paige of the piano. His hands were moving so fast along the keys and he was showing so much emotion.It was incredible! My favorite performence was the second one. It was called Qi and it was written by Chen Yi. This performence made me think of so many different things. There were so many sharp sounds and it was very quick. The notes that I took on this piece say sounds like running, like a storm, horror movie, suspenseful, heart pounding, intense, angry. It may sound weird but I think this really describes the piece. I love movies and when I heard the music i pictured a movie in my head and a story formed. I could totally see a person running down an alley being chased with this music in the background. This music had that suspenseful, eerie quality that is incorporated in thriller or horror movies. It would make me jump at times. I loved how the music began slow and then just got faster and more intense as the piece progressed.