class of 1978

 I was really excited when I heard we were going to be attending a concert at Carnegie Hall. I have never been to Carnegie Hall but of course I've heard of it so I knew it was going to be a really unique experience. I have to say that before even learning about the concert we were going to attend , I had assumed it was going to be classical music similar to what we hear on the radio when we tune into a classical music station. Then I heard we were going to go see the "Class of 1978", which was comprised of Chinese composers, and I was honestly surprised. The concert was unique in the sense that I had previously never heard anything like it before. The sounds were menacing and sharp compared to what I am used to hearing. I loved watching the musicians play and feel the music they were producing and I felt I was able to appreciate each of the pieces. I have respect for all musicians because I know how hard it is to become so skilled and to perform that well. My favorite pieces were Instants d'un opera de pekin and Parade for Six Pecking Opera Gongs. The solo piano piece was a mixture of western music and chinese elements. It was captivating and the enthusiasm of the pianist only added to the performance. My second favorite piece was Parade for Six Pecking Opera Gongs, which consisted of only percussion instruments. What I loved from this piece was the perfection of timing and the flow of the music. All the players were right on key and they knew when to start and when to come in, I was really amazed by that aspect of the performance. The music they produced was also beautiful, and they made the performance seem almost effortless.  

I really enjoyed the performance on Monday, it was really enjoyable for me just because I love all types of music and I love hearing new styles that I am not used to. It was also a great experience because of how up close we were to everything, I could see all the musicians play directly in front of me and that was pretty cool :)