Empire State Builing- a rainbow of colors

Patty's picture

Sometimes on my way home from Manhattan I’m waiting on the Queensboro Bridge for my “favorite” 7 train. On these rare occasions when my subway journey takes place above the ground I love to admire the NUC skyline. It might seem very touristy of me; nevertheless every time I look at the lit City it takes my breath away. On one hand I’m impressed how beautiful New York night-skyline is, and on the other it makes me mad how much electricity we are waiting to keep those buildings lit. I have read that many times people leave lights on in office-buildings just to make them look more appearing at night. This to me is outrageous. We care about the pretty looking city when, at the same time, so many people on this planet don’t have a daily access to electricity.
I feel guilty admitting to it, but the skyline at night does look amazing. I don’t know if any of you have ever chance to admire Manhattan from the other side from the river, but it is, indeed breath taking. My favorite building is the Empire State Building, a structure so symbolic and impressive. What I have noticed throughout my life in NYC is the fact that the lights on that edifice change accordingly to different occasion. Today, when I looked at it, the beautiful palette of colors that appeared at the top struck me. This inspired me to go on Internet and find something about this occurrence. As I found out today the building is lit in “psychedelic tie-dye” colors for the New York Historical Society's Benefit for Grateful Dead Exhibition and Archive. Tomorrow the colors will change to purple, and red in the name of Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation, and day-after-tomorrow it will be all read to represent Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 50th Birthday. When there is no special occasion the building is just simply white.
It made me think how the Empire State, the symbol of American grandeur is as well a way to inform people on a daily basis. It is a way to communicate with New Yorkers by simply adding color to their daily, gray lives.
I strongly recommend you to find a moment and look at this iconic building; maybe the colors will inspire you as they had inspired me.