Fair at Madison Square Park!!!!

This past Thursday I had three hours to kill before class. It was such a beautiful day that I decided to go to Madison Square Park and get some work done. As I walked over to the park from my bus stop I saw all of these little tiny booths set up along the street. As I got closer I saw that a little marketplace was set up around the park. Different people set up booths and were selling all of this really cool merchandise. A lot of the stuff for sale were things these people created. I walked around and saw a bunch of cool things. One woman had handbags made from candy wrappers. They were the cutest handbags. I didn't know they were made from candy wrappers until the woman told me. The wrappers looked like tiny tiles all over the handbags. The bags were all different colors. They were blue, pink, green, yellow and white. When all the wrappers were put together they created a rainbow like effect on the bags. Another booth sold hats for babies. The woman hand sewed each hat. They had so many different patterns and they were also so colorful. One thing I noticed was that this marketplace was full of color. Everything was so beautiful. Another booth was all about kharma and peace. This booth sold pillows with peace signs on them and go green sayings. It also had long cloths that looked like the sarrees indian women wear. They were orange and pink. The colors just came together. One man had a whole booth filled with art work. He took photos of different places around the city. He also drew different pictures of places around the city and plants. This booth really interested me. Every corner of this booth was covered with artwork by this man. There were no empty spaces. Even as I was looking the the photos the man was working on a new drawing to hang up. I thought that was so cool. He just had so many ideas and kept creating drawing after drawing for everybody to see. Another booth that I thought was really funny was a puppet booth. This guy had tons of puppets sitting on shelves. They looked like Jim Hensons muppets. This booth made me laugh so much. Everytime I looked at each puppet I laughed. Some looked like people and others looked like animals. They had crazy hair colors and big eyes. They looked so silly and lifelike on the shelves. I had a really great time walking through this marketplace. Its very small but its worth it to go see it. I think fairs like this one really show how creative the people in New York are. I think each booth introduced me to a different art work. The fair is only going to be there for one more week. I highly recommend taking a peek at it. You will find really cool things!!!!!