Film in NY

 I find it odd that although we claim to be in a "Arts in NY" course, we have not yet mentioned film as a form of art, nor have touched upon the subject of film at all. New York is such a central point for filmography, there are countless films created right here in New York. I was in Union Square Park on Wednesday and I experienced firsthand film students working on a project right in the middle of Union Square Park. There were various students form the New York Film Academy attempting to record. Exactly what they were trying to accomplish I'm not sure. However, what i found most striking was that I was sitting in Union Square Park, surrounded by a whole bunch of homeless people, a crazy guy who might or might've not been drunk and was randomly shouting very strange statements to anyone who would listen. There were squirrels running around everywhere, and at one point a rat who proceeded to fight with one of the squirrels. And here are these few film students, attempting to create a piece of art, or learn how to do it, in a part of NY thats not exactly the most attractive. It was interesting to me to see and realize that art, precisely New York art, does not have to be clean or be done gracefully or in a place that speaks of artsiness. In New York, its the trashy cosmopolitan urban setting with its concoction of cultures and rats, that gives way for the most fulfilling art that I know.