Glass Apple

 I had to go to the apple store on 5th avenue this week to buy my mom a birthday present. I had never been there before, so I was nervous that i wouldn't be able to find it. When I finally got out of the subway, stubbed my toe on a door so hard that it started gushing blood, and walked the few blocks to the store, I amost started laughing at myself out of the perposterousness that i woudnt be able to find it. There is no way that anyone wouldn't be able to find this particular Apple store. Maybe the other ones are not so eye-catching, but i wouldn't know, i've never been to any others. As soon as I turned the corner of 58th I knew that i was in the right place. The oversized, illuminated glass cube glimmered at me and I laughed. I realized that I had seen this building one time as i was driving in the city over a year ago, and ever since then it has remained a fixture of New York City in my mind. This glass cube, that houses the underground Apple store, is a living, breathing, working piece of artful architecture that has most definitely become a New York landmark.