independent event #2




Macaulay Honors at Baruch has given me the opportunity to meet many people that I never would have met otherwise. One of my new friends at school is Abushale. For Abushale’s birthday I decided to take him to a show at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theater. The UCB Theater opened in New York in February 1999 and replaced a strip club that was reported to be “seedier than seedy.” Since then, the UCB theater has become the home of everything comedy. What better place to take a friend than to a comedy show?


Once inside the theater, we found seats and waited for the show to begin. As we waited another Macaulay Baruch student, Andrew, came over to say hi. I had no idea that this theater was so popular, but he explained that he and his friends from NYU frequently come to shows at this theater.

The show began with a comedic game show with the cast of College Humor. They pulled two audience members onto the stage to “help” the College Humor contestants. One of these audience members was actually Andrew’s friend! The game show included variations of Taboo and other classic games.

After that segment, a group called Freestyle Love Supreme performed. They used words and ideas from the audience and then created raps and songs using the audience’s suggestions. It was very interesting how quick and witty these performers were. When they were finished, Kumail, a comedian, did some stand up and I could hear Abushale laughing next to me. I was glad that he was enjoying it, because I was concerned that we had very different senses of humor and he might not have a good time.

I had been to a College Humor show before, but I usually went with my friends from high school and this was the first time I went with someone from Baruch. My friends and I are avid fans of College Humor and when we would see a show, we would demonstrate how faithful we were to college humor by wearing their T-shirt, carrying pictures, etc. It was such a different experience to see some of my favorite comedians with Abushale. I did not wear my College Humor T-shirt nor did I take as many pictures with the cast as my memory card would hold. I really just enjoyed the comedy show for the comedy.