Independent Visit #1 Museum of Art and Design

 Last week I went to the Museum of Art and Design with Jerrica and Laura, and it was FASCINATING ! The exhibit was called Slash and it was different art pieces made completely out of paper. All the artwork was done so meticulously and refined that it was hard to believe it was made solely out of paper. The life-sized man was so weirdly fascinating to me. It was composed of colored paper with the exact parts of the body on the paper, fitting perfectly to form the man's body and looking unbelievably real. Another piece of art that stood out to me was titled Stones and Rocks and Stones and Bones by Andrew Scott Ross. This piece was amazing to me because of how small the paper figures were and how much detail went into making the artwork. It represented what I thought was the Stone Age and neanderthals. If I had never seen this exhibit, I would probably have thought it was impossible to make such small pieces of paper artwork . The pieces that made up this piece of art where so small that I had to bend down on the floor to see them fully and observe them. The whole piece of artwork represented a specific time and was detailed in everyway possible, even with little spears and everything. There were other pieces of art that were really fascinating and it was really cool to see a museum showcasing paper art. I feel like seeing it upclose allows you to appreciate the art form even more and understand the amount of work and detail goes into the creation of it. Anyone who has the chance should go check out the Slash exhibit before it closes, its really something different !