Joseph O' Connor Reading

The reading we went to yesterday was both exctiting and intriguing. I have never been to a reading before and I was happy that it was an enjoyable experience . Writing is something I love to do. It really interested me to listen to Joseph O'Connor and to learn how a writer begins writing. I always have trouble getting the ideas that I have down on paper. When I travel to and from school I get inspired by what I see. Stories and characters pop into my mind but when I begin to write down what I think of, it never comes out the same. I like that he had anvidea for a character and ended up creating a work around the character. I want to try and take the characters  that I have and create something around them. I think attending a writing workshop with someone like Joseph O'Connor would be a very rewarding experience. I think if a person couldn't write and then went to his workshop they would leave with a masterpiece. I think Joseph O'Connor does a great job inspiring his students. I love the fact that he plays music before each class. The way he read his works was almost like listening to music. Literature and music go hand and hand. I think that a work of literature is truly amazing when it sounds like music. It creates a flow and keeps you reading more and more. A long book seems short when you read in that way. I feel like when I read something and the words begin to turn into a song and a flow is created then pictures start to form in my head and its no longer a book that I'm reading, its a movie I'm watching. I love to read and I want to read more and more when books do this. I think when Joseph O'Connor read the love poem I got these images in my head. His words flowed so beautifully. I saw the Irish soldier writing a letter, I saw his love reading the letter and I saw there love. I felt that Joseph O'Connor's works all flowed and created images and allowed  words to become music. I think I am definetly going to buy some of Joseph O'Connors works. I think they will inspire me and send me into another world.