Kandinsky in the Guggenheim and Pompidou

I remember last summer, I was in Paris, and I went to the Pompidou Center, a very odd building with infrastructure on the outside, painted in bright colors. There, I saw an exhibit on Kandinsky, which I liked a lot (and mentioned in my photography paper for this class). A couple of months later, back in New York City, I started to see advertisements for the same exhibit at the Guggenheim museum. I have been debating with myself on whether I should see the same exhibit again. I remember when I saw the exhibit, I had to have my French-speaking mom translate the exhbibit for me, which added an exoticness to the exhibit, that I wasn't in America, but in some foreign land where if you climbed the stairs to the top of the Pompidou, you could see all the way to the edge of what we usually think of as Paris. (Paris actually extends for miles more in all directions, but it's more like suburbs.)

I think it's a great exhibit though, and I highly recommend it for those who haven't been to the Guggenheim Museum yet. And if you ever get the chance, go to the Pompidou too, though I should warn you, the floor plan is horribly designed. It's a nice building, but badly designed.