MoMA:Demoiselles d'Avignon

During this past week, I went to see the painting by Pablo Picasso titled Demoiselles d' Avignon . It is an enormously large oil painting that is of five naked women posing provocatively and sexually. If I had not read the text of the painting I probably would not have grasped the context of the painting or know what to make of it. The women in the painting are supposed to be prostitutes and inside a brothel located on the street of Avignon in Barcelona. The bodies of the women are not curvy or rounded, instead they are painted as sharp planes and edges and their facial features are disproportioned and distorted. The two women on the right stood out to me the most. Their faces were odd looking and appeared to be wearing masks. The first one to to the right had a mask that was green while the other one, which was below the first one had a blue looking mask. At the bottom of the painting is what appears to be fruit on white cloth. The painting is painted in deep colors of red, blue, white, and a peach-like color. While looking at the painting, I felt no emotion towards it, it was just interesting and different than what I would expect during this time period. I'm sure it was provocative during the time period in which it was produced. It was for sure an intriguing painting to view.