Museum of Art and Design: Slash

(I had to steal a picture of the internet because they wouldn't allow us to take pictures).


On Tuesday, Laura, Aimee, and I visited the Museum of Art and Design, located on the Columbus Circle. We looked at the Slash exhibit: paper under the knife. In this exhibit, every piece was made entirely of paper products, for instance the one showed above. You may not be able to tell in this picture, but the intricate detail of not only the art work shown above but in every single piece was out of this world. These artists took something as fragile as paper, and created art as little as an half of an inch long of a tiny person. It was absolutely amazing. The artwork that caught my eye the most was a sculpture of a man entitled "Alex" by Oliver Herring. The man was put together by foam, and paper mached with many different colored papers. The scuplture was so realistic, I began to become scared that it was an actual real man and he was gonna jump out and scare us. I could not stare at it for any longer and had to walk away. But every detail from his toes to his hair (yes his hair was made out of little shreds of paper as well--amazing) was so humanlike. When I read about the art piece, Herring actually took a real picture of a nude model and scuplted the art to look exactly like the picture. It seems like he achieved that in the most eerie way possible. There were also other amazing pieces, for instance a knight on a horse killing a dragon made completely out of cardboard. I was really taken aback at this art, because cardboard is extremely difficult to work with. However, the detail on the dragon was amazing. To give the allusion of the dragon's skin, the artist made little triangles out of cardboard on top of one another. I kept thinking to myself, "How did he do that?" All together, the exhibit showed the amazing capabilites of artists. If anyone is on the Upper West side in the Columbus Circle area, definitely go check out this exhibit. It's free !