"My Neighborhood"

     The Hangout- The first photo was taken in my "old" neighborhood, where I use to live until recently. Basically, my entire childhood revolved in the suburban block. I loved walking around the block at night, I loved hanging out with my friends, and I loved the atmosphere overall. This neighborhood represents happiness, family, friendship, and tranquility. In the photo, the viewer can see me hanging out with my close friends during the night, my favorite timing. It gives off the sense of the happiness, family, freidnship, and even tranquility in the environment that I wanted to show. After or during a stressful day with three tests and homeworks to do, I would take a stroll around the wide, private dead-end block looking at above me and clear my mind. Every Friday and Saturday night, all my friends would hangout in the exact place shown in the photo upon deciding where to go or simply talk in that same area. It also brings back the memories of my childhood, playing touch football, soccer, basketball, man hunt, freeze tag, and even a bon fire during the regional black-out that occurred few years back. Not only does it bring back memories of friends, it also brings to memory of my family, consisting of my Mother and Father, when they were still together. Ultimately, even if I was to become successful, I would still buy back my old house because it served as a cornerstone of my life. Its a place, where I can find peace with happiness.