Old news but... Baruch is really big

I decided to explore Baruch and see what I would find. Since I'm usually clueless about the what's going on in my own school, I thought this may be beneficial. And simply put, I found myself with a lot of photo ops. Did you guys ever look down from the 13th floor of the Vertical Campus? I wanted to capture the height and depth of the location, but from the 13th floor all I could get was the site of 2 floors down. Eventually I got to the 8th floor and I think this is quite a site. It is a long way down. And looking around, you see what is goung on in Baruch at all times. Students going in all directions going about their business. You also see the lamps hanging from the ceiling and descending to several floors below me. I think this is interesting because the photo make you want to look up and see how high up the the wires reach. I think the lamps are a great artistic touch to the building. If you explore a bit, you can gain a greater appreciation of Baruch.

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