Snapshot NYC

I think Snapshot NYC is a great event that Macaualy has us do. I was very unsure what I was going to photograph. On Sunday morning I woke up and I was so happy it was a beautiful day. Usually every weekend I go for a run. I thought it would be a good idea to take my camera along with me on my run and photograph everything I see. As i left my house I wasn't exactly sure what my ideal neighborhood was. I was running along and I ran into a park called the Conference House park. This park is one of my favorite places in the word!! There are so many amazing things to see in the park. At first I took photographs of the actual conference house. It is a historical house that has been here since the revolutionary war. I love this house. It is an old house but it looks like it could be from modern times. Maybe this could represent my ideal neighborhood. I want to live in a place that has a lot of history. A place where I can learn many different things from. I wasn't sure if the photos of the house really captured the full view of my ideal neighborhood. I decided to move along to the beach and take some photos of it. I took a picture of the path that leads to the beach. I though this would capture what I feel. In the photo the not a lot of the beach is seen. It is hidden by trees and bushes. A sandy path leads to the ocean. I think this path could represent the path that I'm taking in the future. I'm unsure of where I'll end up but I think I'm heading in the right direction. I took this photo on a beach that has witnessed history in the making. I love that fact. The photo also represents what I think I want to be in the future as of right now. I'd like to be an environmental lawyer. I want to protect and preserve things like this beach. I think parks and places like the conference house need to be preserved to other people can learn from them. Another photograph I took that I really liked was actually on the beaching looking up at the park. There is a pier that people can sit on that can be seen in the photo. In this photo you can actually view a part of the beach and the greenery around the park. I think this picture looks so calm and peaceful. The sun can be seen shining down on everything. The picture is serene and tranquil. I like this photograph because in the future I want to have a calm and peaceful place that I can go to.  A place where I can sit and think and let ideas flow. I think everybody needs a palce like this. Where they can unwind and be creative. I'm not sure which photograph I like the most. I'm glad that I got the oppurtunity to photograph the park and to show what an amazing place it is and what it means to me.