Thinking More About the Meaning of Art

Since my recent trips to the MoMA, I've been thinking a lot about previous class discussions regarding how "art" is defined. When I walked around the museum I saw everything from drawings to paintings to sculptures to furniture. It seems so hard to distinguish what is art and what is simply a functional accessory to everyday life. In an art class in high school we watched a video about design, and I remember listing to the teacher all the different forms of art. It caused some controversy around the truly "artsy" students, when it was suggested that something used in everyday life was really a work of art. I find myself struggling with deciding what art is very often. Since this class, I look differently at what I encounter in my daily life and constantly question if what I'm looking at is art to someone. I'm frustrated with my own desire to limit and define what art is, but maybe it's just human nature. I try to keep a very open mind when approaching the world of art because I want every artist to be recognized for their vision. Even when I don't understand the why behind the artwork I try to really appreciate the process and the vision of the artist. I doubt that anyone will ever come to a solid conclusion about the definition of art, but I think that it is a truly fascinating definition to consider.
- whitney.porter's blog
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