Thomas Neff Photography

Hurricane Katrina is a horrible event that took place in America. I remember when it happened but I really didn't know how bad the devestation was. When Thomas Neff began showing his photograhs and speaking about how people were living I was shocked. I never really thought that it was that horrible in New Orleans. I can't believe how some people were living. I thought his photographs really captured the feeling of the people who stayed behind. My favorite photograph is the one above. It is of Antoinette K-Doe. She is the owner of the Mother-In-Law lounge, a famous spot in New Orleans. Her story is a very sad one. Her husband died and she was all alone when Hurricane Katrina hit. The Mother-In-Law lounge was totally destroyed. She had to have everything removed and repaired. With Ushers help she was able to have the bar opened up again. 3000 people came to the opening. She died of a heart attack though shortly after the two year anniversary of Katrina. In the above photograph Antoinette is sitting on what remained of the bar at the Mother-In-Law lounge. This bar was one of the last things she had removed from the lounge after Katrina. There are images of her and her husband all in the background. Next to her is a scrub brush and I think some soap. Everything was probably filthy from the water that rushed in. She is right in the center of the photograph. Her face just shows all the sorrow and pain that people were feeling after the hurricane. I think her face is one of a survivor. She survived the hurricane and is going to repair everything and not let it destroy her. I'm not sure if I'm describing it right but I feel like her face just tells a whole story. I think looking at her face you can see all that shes been through. I think its sad that she died and didn't get to see her lounge thrive. I think every photo that Thomas Neff took told a similiar story to that of Antoinettes. many people survived the storm only to die from something else right after. I thought this was very depressing. I would look at these pictures and would think wo these people made it and then Thomas Neff would tell a sad story that they were mugged or got sick and died. It got me thinking about Roland Barthes when he said photography is death.