Visit to FIAF: The Great Masters of Lithography

Patty's picture

Since I went to see this exhibit at the French Institute: Alliance Franciase, I have been asking myself if it is possible that billboards and magazines of our days will in the future become a artwork in itself.
To make you understand my concerns I must first explain the exposition, which I saw. The gallery put together a collection of original color lithographs that in the time of modern artists such as Calder, Chagall, Dufy, Leger, Matisse, Miro, and Picasso served as advertisements for their exhibits. Artists’ first interests in this genre of art aroused thought the encouragement of Atlier Mourlot, a man who owned a small printshop in Paris. He made them discover and fall in love with this technique and its complexities. Using this technique, artists were able to reproduce their art on large scale and at the same time reflect energy and luminescence of their original pieces. So like Picasso, have crated unique paintings/forms only for the purpose of reproducing them.
Following this train of thought we can say, that for example a photograph, that was photo-shopped, or was created merely for publicity purpose might in the future become an artwork. I find it shocking and interesting at the same time. After all a person creating it had to be a creator and an artist in order to produce such piece.
I guess there is no simple answer to that question. We will have to patiently wait and see what the future will bring us.