What I think art in NY is.


When I think about art in New York City numerous words pop into my head. New York City has so much to offer that it’s very hard to pinpoint one term. The architecture,  the fashion, the people, the museums, and the theaters all represent different forms of art in New York City. Just walking around the city and looking at the buildings  feels like I’m looking at one giant life-sized painting. Every building is unique and tells its own story. When I was in junior high school I had a whole class dedicated to the buildings of New York. We would watch documentaries that described each building. I love history and New York City is like a giant history textbook. Just walking down one block you can learn so much information. Because I think that buildings are a very important part of New York City I took a picture of the skyline. I think the New York skyline is beautiful. I think the skyline represents everything the city has to offer. It is big, unique and memorable. No matter which way you look at the skyline it looks different. The city is home to so many ecclectic tatses that it is only fitting that the skyline is amazing. Whenever I talk to people about New York City the first thing they bring up are the buildings. As you drive up to the city the first thing you notice are the bulidings. I think the buildings represent art in New York City because they are different from everyother city in the world. No other city in the world can give you that feeling you get when you look at the massive buildings. You feel part of something bigger than anything else.