Where the Wild Things Are Warning!!

I am writing this blog to respond to Sara's blog about Where the Wild Things Are. I saw the moive when it first came out. From watching the previews I thought I would be seeing a happy childrens movie. I read the book as a child and loved the story. The book has only 32 words in it. I thought the whole movie would be a happy story about the little boy finding the wild things and having fun with them but ulitimately learning that home is the place to be. Because the book was so short, a new story had to be filled in. I found the movie very depressing and sad. I was shocked by some of the scenes. When the boy first meets the monsters they want to eat him and they all surround him. That scene was so creepy! When the boy becomes their king, they take a crown out of a pile of bones (past kings that they ate), the little boy sees this and gets scarred. One monster rips another monsters arm off and flings it into a fire. I couldn't believe that this movie was a movie for little kids. I was afraid for the children sitting in the theater around me. Many of them were yelling out during the movie. I heard on the radio the other day that parents wrote to the author telling him that they thought the movie was too scary for young children. He responded that if they were afraid let them wet their pants or do whatever they have to, to get unafraid. I'm not sure if this was the right attitude. The book is a childrens book, the movie seemed like it would also be a childrens movie. I thought the cinematography was great in the movie. The angles, the colors and the landscapes were beautiful but I felt the story was lacking something. I left the movie thinking what just happened? what did I just see? I think I may have to see this movie a second time to get a better understanding of it. This is just a warning though, the movie is not what it appears to be.