Peopling of NYC - housing en More on racial steering <p>&nbsp;In order to illuminate this issue, I found a few more recent articles from the NY Times that discuss how &quot;racial steering&quot; works and why it's not simply a realtor taking into account buyers' and renters' assumed preferences:</p> <p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 19px; "><a href=""></a></span></p> <div class="og_rss_groups"></div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> community friction housing segregation Wed, 21 Apr 2010 13:43:49 +0000 Professor Brooks 219 at More on Chinatown's development from Peter Kwong <p>&nbsp;Last year, Peter Kwong (the author of today's readings) answered reader questions in the New York Times online. I'm posting this link because it helps us understand how the processes he described have shifted since he published his book (1987). For example, he notes that competition from China has almost killed the garment industry in Chinatown. He also discusses the continued gentrification of the area and his belief that Chinatown will eventually cease to exist.</p> <div class="og_rss_groups"></div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Chinatown community friction housing identity immigration work Wed, 21 Apr 2010 13:09:19 +0000 Professor Brooks 218 at "Separate But Equal =/= fair" <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="og_rss_groups"></div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Brighton Beach community housing segregation Tue, 23 Mar 2010 19:50:36 +0000 Shelley Jiang 144 at Map resource (kind of neat) <p>&nbsp;A new resource mentioned in this morning's <em>New York Times</em> allows you to look at a map of NYC from above with a satellite view. Of course, that's simply Google Earth, but there's a little bar in the interface that you can move to see the same view in 2006...and in 1924. It's kind of neat to be able to do what's essentially a Google Earth satellite view for 1924, and also very useful to historians. Here's the link:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <div class="og_rss_groups"></div><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> community housing place Mon, 22 Feb 2010 14:53:26 +0000 Professor Brooks 39 at