WordPress database error: [Table 'drabik07.wp_post2cat' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_id, category_id FROM wp_post2cat WHERE post_id IN (8)

2007 September

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 4

Entries from September 2007

Seminar 1 Common Events

September 10th, 2007 · No Comments

Please mark your calendars for these events! Attendance is required.
Meet the Artists
Artists will discuss their paths towards success. Speakers will then meet with students in small groups for further discussion.
Date: Thursday, August 30
Time: 5-9 PM
Location: CUNY Graduate Center, Proshansky Auditorium
Technology Fair
Workshops on important software applications! Please e-mail your Tech Fellow if you have any […]



WordPress database error: [Table 'drabik07.wp_post2cat' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_id, category_id FROM wp_post2cat WHERE post_id IN (8)
