Decoding New York

8th Avenue What's Real

From Decoding New York

8th avenue, with low tourist traffic in comparison to other areas in the city, has been able to continue to cater to its own residents. Many residents speak very little English, underscoring the fact that this is a separate world. Inquiries to storekeepers about their clientele revealed a very low percentage of non-Chinese customers. Considering that this is a satellite community, the idea of being "real" can be contrasted to both China and to Manhattan Chinatown. In terms of being loyal to its residents 8th Avenue is very much an authentic neighborhood, especially in comparison to the tourist oriented Canal Street.

There is not much racial tension between the Chinese and other groups in the area, though this may be in part to the relative seclusion of residents here. However, there is a significant underlying resentment of ABC's (American Born Chinese), exemplifying the older population scorning the younger, more assimilated, generation. This has had the effect of alienating many Chinese-Americans, who may not feel at home in either culture.

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